Over 1.5 million solar engineering jobs have been completed by Wyssling Consulting. These jobs have been done in thousands of municipalities across the United States. Each one of these jobs is required to go through an engineering approval process in their municipality with the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). Because of the sheer volume of jobs in diverse locations, Wyssling Consulting has developed the most comprehensive AHJ database in America.
Wyssling Consulting is licensed in all 50 states and Washington DC, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands and soon to be Canada, and has logged and stored the current engineering requirements for most municipalities in the country. This has been a huge undertaking over many years. Having this massive, digitized database allows Wyssling to have instant and accurate information that facilitates quick processing of jobs without typical delays. Any changes to code that occur from the AHJ are immediately logged into the database. This is one of the reasons that Wyssling Consulting has the quick turn times with fewer errors than other solar engineering companies.